Herbal Remedies and Supplements for Menopausal Sleep Troubles

Herbal Remedies and Supplements for Menopausal Sleep Troubles

Menopause, contrary to its name, offers no respite to Asian women.

The days are filled to the brim with shoulder stiffness, body aches, fatigue, weakness, mental health issues, and mood swings.

To make matters worse, the nights are filled with sleeplessness.

Hot flashes, night sweats... Menopausal sleep problems show no signs of letting up.

No respite at all.

Poor sleep quality affects almost 4 in 10 midlife Asian women; its prevalence in this population due to menopause is 38.2%. The quality of sleep during menopause is directly linked to the severity of menopausal symptoms and not menopause status. The effect of menopause on sleep is definitely incontrovertible. That is why it becomes imperative to understand their association.

Connection between menopause and sleep troubles

Research reveals that 40.7% of Asian women encounter sleeping difficulties during menopause. The significant shift in sleep quality for many menopausal women is often linked to disruptive physiological changes.

The transition through menopause is associated with vasomotor symptoms such as hot flashes and night sweats. These symptoms have shown strong associations with sleep difficulties, disturbances, and insomnia in midlife women. Late perimenopausal women are 1.3 times more prone to sleep disorders compared to those in early perimenopause.

These research findings point towards a major concern of menopausal sleep problems. Their impact on daily life necessitates intervention. An easy-to-incorporate, safe, and natural solution is herbs. Herbs have a longstanding history as favored remedies for various ailments across ages. In this blog, we will explore a variety of herbal remedies and supplements known for their potential to improve sleep quality during menopause.

Sleep solutions for menopause

Here are several lifestyle strategies to improve sleep quality during menopause: 

Sleep Hygiene

Enhance sleep by maintaining a consistent daily schedule and creating a calm sleep environment. 

Physical Activity

Regular exercise helps regulate hormones and supports overall sleep quality. 

Stress Relief

 Practices like yoga and meditation reduce stress, promoting better sleep. 

Healthy Diet

A balanced, nourishing diet is beneficial. Avoid heavy meals close to bedtime. 

In addition to lifestyle changes, hormone replacement therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy are effective approaches to address sleep issues. 
Certainly, there are additional options to enhance sleep quality through lifestyle changes and non-pharmacological approaches, including incorporating natural remedies. Let us delve deeper into these strategies: 

Herbal remedies for better sleep

We all are familiar with how a night of poor sleep can lead to a cranky and drowsy day ahead. It is quite common for women experiencing menopause to seek ways to improve their sleep quality.

While some may opt for professional advice and over-the-counter medications, others prefer natural remedies to attain better sleep and a refreshed start in the morning during this phase. According to the Asian Menopause Surbey, 33% of women use natural or herbal remedies.

Here is a list of supplements known to aid in achieving better sleep and ensuring a revitalized mornings during menopause.

Lemon balm

Lemon balm can lessen common sleep disturbances and enhance the quality of sleep in menopausal women.


Valerian is an excellent natural sleep ally for menopausal women. It reduces of sleep disorders.


Chamomile extract exerts beneficial effects on menopausal women suffering from troubled sleeping. Chamomile extract for four weeks demonstrates a significant improvement in the ability to fall asleep faster, the number and duration of awakenings from sleep, and total sleep time.


Lavender is yet another herb that aids in the improvement of overall sleep patterns and quality.

Melatonin regulates the sleep cycle

Maintaining melatonin levels is vital for sleep management. Melatonin plays a crucial function in controlling sleep and is particularly important in determining the quantity and quality of sleep. Studies show that melatonin levels are notably lower after menopause, which impacts sleeping patterns in menopausal women.

So, how about combining melatonin with the above herbal supplements?

Using melatonin supplements not only helps sleep quality but also benefits perimenopausal sleep disorders. Studies show that melatonin therapy contributes to more than 60% of the body's antioxidant protection system in individuals experiencing sleep disturbances during this phase.

Menopause often disrupts sleep quality for many Asian women due to associated symptoms like hot flashes and night sweats. Herbal remedies such as lemon balm, valerian, chamomile, and lavender offer potential relief for menopausal sleep disturbances. These natural options serve as alternatives for women seeking to manage sleep issues during this transformative phase of life, complementing traditional medical advice and improving overall well-being.

Time to put those menopausal sleep troubles to rest - for good.


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