Living Well with Osteoporosis: Strategies for Managing Bone Loss

Living Well with Osteoporosis: Strategies for Managing Bone Loss

As you embark on this remarkable journey of life, a significant chapter awaits – Menopause.

Did you know? More than one-third of a woman's life is spent in menopausal transition, where the sudden drop in estrogen levels becomes a pivotal turning point. This hormonal shift not only brings about a myriad of changes but also accelerated bone loss, the threat of osteoporosis, and increased risk of fractures.

On the bright side, some proactive measures and strategies can help overcome these challenges. However, before digging in, it is essential to understand what menopausal osteoporosis is, the critical role of bone density testing, and finally, effective ways to manage pain. So, let us dive right in!

Unveiling Menopausal Osteoporosis

Menopausal osteoporosis is a condition marked by a decline in bone density and an increased risk of fractures, substantially impacting the quality of life. Approximately 8% of midlife Singaporean women have osteoporosis, and for some, the loss of bone density is even up to a staggering 20% over the 5–7 years around menopause.

Research reveals that about 25% of postmenopausal women fall into the category of fast bone losers. Moreover, osteoporosis leads to an absolute average increase of 46.3% fractures per year. These numbers paint a clear reality demanding our attention and action.

Importance of Bone-density Testing for Menopausal Women

According to the World Health Organization, every decrease in bone mineral density score is linked with a 2.6-fold increase in the risk of hip fracture.

This showcases the link between bone density, the likelihood of developing osteoporosis, and the subsequent risk of fractures. As one approaches 40, prioritizing health becomes mandatory, and one essential checkpoint is bone density testing. This safe and painless procedure serves as an effective measure to monitor overall bone strength.

The risk of osteoporosis should be reassessed every five years from the initial testing for menopausal women.

After all, reaching 40 should not be a step down for you!

You can go for this procedure through your GP or a specialist. A Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DEXA) scan is usually highly recommended to assess bone strength accurately.

Effective strategies for managing bone loss

Conventional therapies

  • Consider traditional medicines for bone growth and osteoporosis-related pain relief.
  • Other conventional therapies, such as hormone replacement therapy, are generally suggested to women beyond 40 for targeted relief from the challenges of osteoporosis.

Physical exercises

  • Beat that sedentary lifestyle with these simple exercises like qigong, Tai Chi, and Pilates to improve your bone density.
  • Choose the comfort of your home to perform these exercises to avoid the erratic and unpredictable Singapore rain.

Herbal supplements

  • Consider curcumin supplement, a well-known herb having multiple benefits directly linked to bone health.
  • This magical herb not only corrects your hormone levels but also supports bone growth.
  • It enhances bone density and reduces the progression of osteoporosis.

Lifestyle changes

  • Maintain an adequate dietary protein intake (1 g/kg/day).
  • Prioritize a diet rich in calcium and vitamin D, and include dairy products, leafy greens, and fortified foods in your daily diet.
  • Excessive alcohol consumption negatively impacts bone health. Limit alcohol intake to promote overall well-being.
  • Take effective measures to quit smoking, as it has been associated with bone loss.

Tackling menopausal challenges requires proactive steps from your end. Regular bone density testing every five years after 40 is necessary to monitor and reassess your risk of osteoporosis. You can opt for traditional medicines and hormone therapy for reliable relief. Consider complementing them with regular exercise and herbal supplements for holistic bone wellness. Adopting these simple yet effective strategies is a step towards a resilient, stronger you!


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