Embracing Your Natural Hair Color: Tips for Going Gray Gracefully

Embracing Your Natural Hair Color: Tips for Going Gray Gracefully

Many might have read the EL James bestseller, ‘50 shades of grey’. Arguably, many more would be living it.

 As you slowly progress through the middle age lane, you find many unwelcome companions joining your journey. Osteoporosis, insomnia, mood swings, and other menopause-related issues - all annoyingly walk beside you. However, there are other equally unwelcome co-passengers, the first strands of gray.

They can sneak up on you and catch you off guard, as you progress through middle age.

Graying of hair can be a concern for aesthetic reasons, especially in women. It may cause low self-esteem and low confidence. This makes addressing the graying of hair, significant. Let us first understand how hair gets its color - its varying shades.

Why does hair turn gray as you age?

A pigment called “melanin” is responsible for hair color. It is produced by specialized cells called melanocytes. These cells are present at the openings on the skin’s surface, through which hair grows.

As we age, the number of melanocytes decreases, which causes a decrease in melanin. This results in a lack of pigment in the hair, leading to a silvery-gray color/hair graying. Apart from aging, several factors affect the quality of your hair. They include pollution, stress, genetics, and harsh climates.

Research suggests that after the age of 30, there is a 10–20% decrease in the melanin produced for each following decade. Approximately, 50% of 50-year-olds have at least 50% gray hair.

These statistics are daunting, and so is the fact that the graying of hair is an irreversible process. However, you can adopt different ways to show off that gray hair gracefully.

Haircuts that go well with gray hair

You can consider trying a few haircuts that can enhance your look. A bob cut, short-layered bob cut, or even a pixie cut, can give you that silver fox look.

Natural hair dye

You can do away with the silvery-gray color of your hair altogether by trying some safe, natural coloring agents.


A compound in henna called “lawsone” binds to the proteins in hair and skin, resulting in the characteristic coloring effect.


You can blend indigo with henna to make unique light brown to black shades of hair dyes.


This fruit extract has antioxidant properties that promote the increase of wholesome and lustrous hair. It maintains the hair color, stops untimely graying, and makes the hair follicles strong.


Hibiscus is packed with calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamin C, riboflavin, and niacin. These compounds promote thicker hair and decrease the untimely graying of hair. Hibiscus also rejuvenates and conditions the hair.

Coffee powder

The use of coffee powder can give your hair, a rich, dark brown color. Apart from dyeing the hair to give it a natural look, coffee powder also promotes softer and shinier hair.


Leaves and hulls of walnut are fruits used for hair dyeing. Walnuts can be used to make a semi-permanent hair dye formulation.

Natural hair dyes may not last long like chemical dyes. However, they are safe and non-toxic. It is advised to apply the natural hair dye of your preference on a small portion of your hair before applying it to your entire head to check for any unwanted reactions or colors.

Complement the use of natural dyes with diet/home remedies

You can opt for a diet rich in protein, vitamin C, vitamin B12, and copper to prevent the graying of hair. A proper diet can boost your overall hair health.

A few home remedies like applying coconut oil, gooseberry oil, jojoba oil, and olive oil can also work wonders on hair and scalp health to make it lustrous, shiny, and well-moisturized.

The effectiveness of the natural dyes and remedies may vary from person to person. It is a good idea to consult your healthcare professional before making significant changes to your hair care routine.

Graying hair is a hallmark of middle and old age. As it is inevitable for most, it becomes essential to equip yourself with safe and effective ways to tackle it. You cannot turn back time and restore the lost hair color. However, it is still possible to restore/retain your hair’s natural vitality using the right diet, remedies, and natural dyes.

Go gray gracefully.


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