Healing Leaky Gut: Diet, Lifestyle, and Supplements for Digestive Wellness

Healing Leaky Gut: Diet, Lifestyle, and Supplements for Digestive Wellness

Visualize 'leaky'. What springs to mind? Plumbing? Pipes? Faucets? Buckets? Confidence? There is another one, much more troublesome - leaky gut. Any idea what it is? Or probably, what causes it? Well, let us understand the 'leaky gut' condition in detail and find ways of dealing with it. Or 'un-leaking it', if you would prefer.

‘Leaky gut syndrome’ is a condition in which the lining of the small intestine is damaged. This allows bacteria, harmful toxins, and undigested food particles to leak through your intestinal lining into your blood. This can further manifest into various diseases and health issues.

How does a leaky gut affect your body?

The key issue with a leaky gut is that it affects the lining and permeability of your intestine. This leads to symptoms such as including abdominal pain, bloating, sensitivity to certain foods, and indigestion.

The dangers of gluten and dairy

Did you know that gluten and dairy are the two biggest culprits behind the rising rates of complications associated with a leaky gut? Let us take a deeper look at why gluten is so harmful to your health. Once you eat gluten, it travels to your small intestine and triggers the release of zonulin. This is a chemical that increases the permeability of your intestine, leading to a leaky gut. Once this happens, larger molecules like gluten, toxins, and microorganisms can escape through the intestinal wall. In response to this event, your immune system fights off intruders, making things worse. This causes a chronic inflammatory state, resulting in the development of many gastrointestinal problems and autoimmune disorders. Dairy products contain casein, a protein that disturbs the entire composition of the gut microbiota.

Stress impacts the gut

Stress can negatively impact gut bacteria and have implications on your gut and overall health. It can impact the function of the gut barrier, function allowing more harmful bacteria into your intestine. This further encourages dysbiosis and leaky gut.

Stop the ‘gut assault’

Going gluten and dairy-free can stop the gut assault and prevent further damage. Fortunately, as individual cells renew very fast, repairing your gut doesn’t take too long.

Improving diet

A whole-food diet that provides good bacteria can be the best way to minimize inflammation and maintain a healthy microbiome in your gut. Incorporate pre and probiotics into your diet. Foods rich in probiotics (live microorganisms present in the digestive tract that aid in digestion) and fiber have shown great potential for treating leaky gut. Probiotics help maintain the function of the intestine, aid in digestion, and provide vitamins. Get your daily share of yogurt, kefir, or even tempeh dishes for your probiotic fix. Prebiotic foods like oats and honey help improve gut barrier integrity and allow the growth of beneficial bacteria.

Alleviating stress

Take some time out for simple stress management techniques like breathing, yoga, meditation, and mindfulness, which can help you alleviate the negative effects of stress on a leaky gut and improve gut health. Plan that weekend getaway to escape from stress. Such respites go a long way toward boosting your overall well-being.

Herbal supplements are in trend

Natural supplements containing a probiotic can help repair leaky guts. Taking supplements containing probiotics like Bacillus coagulans helps reprogram the microbial balance of your gut and restore gut health. The beneficial bacteria further improve intestinal health and digestive wellness.

Remember, there is no set time to repair a leaky gut. It involves making lifelong changes in your diet and activity levels as well as taking supplements to improve your gut health. By prioritizing a nutrient-dense diet, managing stress, and living a healthy lifestyle, you can improve the health of your gut as well as enhance your digestive wellness. So, plug that leak. Your gut health and digestive wellness will be better for it.


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