
Apple Cider Vinegar and Gut Harmony: A Comprehensive Guide To Improved Digestion

Hard to digest? It shouldn’t be.

Because Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) [a cool acronym, wouldn’t you say?] is the perfect recipe for improved digestion and great gut harmony.

ACV has actually been around for as long as there have been guts. Well, maybe not that long, but you get the message. The word ‘vinegar’ stems from the Latin words ‘sour wine’. ACV is a type of vinegar made from fermented apples, yeast, and sugar. Yeast converts the sugar in apples into alcohol Acetobacter, a bacteria, converts this alcohol into acetic acid. The combination of yeast and bacteria that is formed during the fermentation process is called ‘mother’. Floating, fiber-like threads of ‘mother’ are instantly noticeable inside ACV bottles.

Traditionally, ACV has been used for the treatment of colds and infections. However, in today’s day and age, its use is in various conditions like diabetes, weight loss, as a detox diet, and last but not the least, as the natural architect of gut health harmony.

Call it a tangy liquid, a powerful gut tonic, or simply ACV.

Let us get to know this wonderful elixir a bit better.

 ACV increases the acidity of stomach. It helps your body create more pepsin, which helps break down dietary proteins. The acetic acid component of ACV kills a host of dangerous bacteria and simultaneously fosters the growth of good bacteria. Since it helps to kill harmful bacteria, it is also a natural ‘antibiotic’.

Many people swear by ACV for its therapeutic properties to treat indigestion, heartburn, abdominal pain, bloating, and acid reflux.

Malic acid, another powerful ingredient of ACV, adds to its sour taste. This organic acid has the potential to reduce muscle pain and improve digestion.

The unfiltered version of ACV is rich in substances that improve digestion and support a healthy Gut.

A small amount of ACV, taken just prior to a meal, stimulates the production of digestive juices.

It also possesses the property of restoring the alkaline-acid balance (high acid-producing foods increase gut-related problems).

ACV can act as a natural remedy to raise the stomach acid levels in people with low stomach acid. This can prevent gas and bloating.

So, how to add ACV in your diet?

Well, there are several ways to add this powerful health-boosting elixir in your diet. Here are a few of them:

  • Mix about 1-2 tablespoons of ACV in water and drink it before a meal.
  • Add it as a dressing in salads.
  • Drink it with warm lemon water and honey.
  • Add it in form of a gummy.
  • Add it as a marinade to meat and vegetables.
  • Mix it into soups.

ACV has some great benefits, owing to its acidic nature and the ability to support the growth of beneficial bacteria.

And ACV is great for gastronomic voyages! Use it instead of rice vinegar, the next time you are whipping up some delectable Hainanese Chicken Rice or the delightful Kung Pao Chicken.

Use it in the right amount and the way, along with a balanced diet. ACV can do a world of good to your gut health.


Visit our products section to know more about NuEva Apple Cider Gummies

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  1. Singh A, et al. Study about the nutritional and medicinal properties of apple cider vinegar. Asian Journal of Science and Technology. 2017;8(12).
  2. Schulz RM, et al. Effectiveness of nutritional ingredients on upper gastrointestinal conditions and symptoms: A narrative review. Nutrients. 2022;14(3):672.
  3. Chiu HF, et al. The ergogenic activity of cider vinegar: A randomized cross-over, double-blind, clinical trial. Sports Med Health Sci. 2020;2(1):38-43.
  4. Ousaaid D, et al. Beneficial effects of apple vinegar on hyperglycemia and hyperlipidemia in hypercaloric-fed rats. J Diabetes Res. 2020;2020:9284987.